Saturday, March 03, 2007

Is all gone...

All gone.. I don't know what the hell my brother done with my laptop here.. I was trying to use my Internet Explorer but I can't find it anywhere. Luckily I still have Firefox here. Is gone suddenly, even the MS Paint. What the hell did he do?

Actually I got lots of photo update in my blog today, but I can't do it now since I can't do some photoshop on it. I guess I'll have to reformat my laptop again. I just format it not long ago (Well is actually quite long already, 4 months ago). It will took me one day, yeah whole day, to complete it because it needs to update this update that. Is like you are going for a plastic surgery. Muahaha... Format is a big headache for me. I can't find anything for me to back up my files.

Great, can't blog already.

****Update @ 3rd March @ 2024:

Okey, now I found my Internet Explorer.
****Update @ 4th March @ 2107:
Great! I can't change my mouse cursor either! All gone, only left the default ones.

Chee Hsien

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