Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Food-eating competition?

After the interview, they had food-eating competition. I was wonder what will they eat? who will take part in it? Mana tau, they all push me in to join. I don't want to eat lar, I'm a bit full that time. Since so many blogger want me to take part, and also be sporting a bit, I join la... Cedric told me, that we're gonna eat ICE KACANG! OMG, when he took out 3 bowl of ICE KACANG, I was like, gosh, damn big wei!! I'm competing with Warren and Benjipapa. I'm not gonna win that.

We took our sit... everyone watching us... camera flashing... OMG... Kenny the judge, 5 minute times...

Started after awhile. I have no idea how I'm gonna eat it. The first bite was slowly bite then swallow. I don't know who shouting from beside or front or back, ask us don't bite, just swallow... just swallow... Then I heard people shouting my name, people support me... I was thinking, don't crazy lar, I'm not gonna win it...

Half way there..

Times up!!

And I won.... swt.

I can't believe that. I get the grand prize.

I was like, shit my face gonna be all over the blog tomorrow... please don't... Anyway, tired already... sign off soon... By the way, I forgot who send me all this photo or where I copy it. Thanks for the photo anyway.

Next up!! Camwhore and Candid shot... Muahahaha... Someone gonna kill me for posting the candid shot... Muahahahah...

Chee Hsien

4 burger(s):

Anonymous said...

this is the first write up about the food eating part of the contest! I i was there i would have won!

my cameraman went but he din eat anything!

Our Journey said...

saw you during the competition, did you tongue go numb?? :P

KeV's wAlKAbOuT said...

LOL.. what did u win? 1 year unlimited supply of ice kachang?

Anonymous said...

hahaha congrats... lagi hebat den me :)