Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Heroes' Spoiler!!!

cheehsien.net : yerrrrr... why they dun show 2 episode a week ar?

BenjiPapa : hahaha..... kenot ma.... act beh hu

cheehsien.net : episode 8 i know what happen liao..

BenjiPapa : dun tell :P hehehe

cheehsien.net : omgggg..... i wanna watch epi 8 d.......

cheehsien.net : they are reviewing so many things.. hahahahah....

BenjiPapa : swt.... u say boring

cheehsien.net : i see the title i tot boring... then i read the description a bit....

cheehsien.net : waaahhhh...

BenjiPapa : whua see title oso can know meh lol.

cheehsien.net : adui... spoiler until episode 11 only...

cheehsien.net : but the spoiler not a spoiler.. hahahahahha....

BenjiPapa : ayoyo CH... u read edi nice to watch meh :P

BenjiPapa : i no idea wat happen in season 2 yet. hehehe

cheehsien.net : the spoiler... didnt spoil much also..

cheehsien.net : only 5% hahahaha...

BenjiPapa : haha.. ok ok 5%

cheehsien.net : like they said some of them will gather at someplace...

BenjiPapa : hmm...

cheehsien.net : then ntg liao...

BenjiPapa : ic ic...

cheehsien.net : didnt say what they doing there also..

BenjiPapa : they gather there hor.. then some will die

BenjiPapa : lol muahahahaha

cheehsien.net : swt... how die ar?

BenjiPapa : er..... kena stroke

BenjiPapa : weather too hot ma

cheehsien.net : u gila d... ahahahahah....

cheehsien.net : where got like that in movie wan?

BenjiPapa : hahaha got la..

BenjiPapa : then some even die cos of boredom.. lol

BenjiPapa : they go there n gather then hor.. nothing to do... die

BenjiPapa : omg i kisiao liao

cheehsien.net : dead of boredom.. is u la... hahahaha...

BenjiPapa : not yet. i kisiao 1st

cheehsien.net : ntg to do.. hiro will use his power to go somewhere find girl girl cuci mata first...

BenjiPapa : whua u say til Hiro like hamsap lou like tat...

BenjiPapa : he got stop time to molest raba raba or not sin

BenjiPapa : omg now i know why i shud have his power

cheehsien.net : hahahahaahah.... man.. i wanan blog about this d...

BenjiPapa : whua.... hahaha u gonna spoil Hiro's name lol

3 burger(s):

Dexter said...


heroes again...

see title also can know boring...

Ch u really geng lor... haha

Unheard Voice said...

OMG CH/.... muahahahahahahaha SPOILER

JJ Jason said...

Zeroes talk on Heroes,
but i ini cheaproes catch now ball.